Hunting Universal Trap I results and pictures

On 13 and 14 August 2022, the Styrian Litter Pigeon Club has organized the Grand Prix of Europe in the Shootingpark Leobersdorf. More about the results as well as all pictures of the competition, the award ceremony and the evening events you can find here!

In addition to numerous competitions in the past, the Styrian Pigeon Club organized the highly endowed international competition "Grand Prix of Europe" at the Shootingpark Leobersdorf for the first time this year. President KR Dr. Jürgen Siegert and Josef Adler succeeded in offering 119 international shooters an excellently organized competition with valuable prizes

The event started with a barbecue with free beer, where the start numbers were drawn and gift baskets were raffled. 

The first day of competition has passed with great enthusiasm and excellent results. Particularly pleasing was the participation of the numerous junior and ladies shooters. In the evening, the shooters were invited to the shooters' party with suckling pig and live music. With a good mood, delicious food and good music, the first day of competition could be reviewed. 

The good performances were shown again on Sunday. In perfect weather conditions, the Grand Prix of Europe went into the final.

There were also happy faces after the award ceremony at the big raffle of 5 rifles and other non-cash prizes with a total value of over € 20,000, - among all participants in the competition

We congratulate all sport shooters once again for their excellent performances, express our highest praise to the president KR Dr. Siegert as well as Josef Adler for the perfect organization and thank all judges and other people who helped with the organization.